Oh my little LaylaBug, you're already such a big girl. This morning when you woke up you decided to turn sideways in the bed to play with the comforter, then you pulled the blanket over your head and did a fake little scream for attention and when I pulled it away you gave me a goofy good morning grin that showed off your two front teeth. When I put you on the changing table you lifted you legs when I undid your sleeper so I could change your diaper and then you put them back down when I was done. While I was putting your sleeper back on you, you laughed and flirted until you knew I was done then you flipped on to your side and grabbed your pacifier and tried to put it in your mouth up side down. I sat you in the recliner like a big girl while I made you a bottle and you had a nice conversation with yourself while you waited, when I came back you were laying on your tummy trying to get the remote. After your bottle, while Mommy put on her makeup for work you were sitting Auntie Mel's lap trying to grab your feet and it occured to me that you are so sure of yourself... and so big.
I could not imagine 5 months ago that you'd be eating from a spoon, have favorite toys and know what time I was supposed to be home from work. But every night that I am late you get upset until I arrive, always around the same time. And every night you eat your mushy little foods, squashes, sweet potatoes and pears and I wonder what it will be like in another 5 months.
You are beautiful and vibrant when you are awake. Aware of everything around you, you always find something to amuse yourself with and you interact with everyone around you. But my favorite times are at night when you are sleeping, your skin goes a little paler, your breathing gets deep and you sink into me and I am consumed by my love for you. At that moment, I understand, no greater thing will I ever do than be your Mommy. And even at 5 months old you make me swell with pride.