Friday, February 16, 2007

With a Lil' Bit O' Luck

So my Drs office is a pain in the neck and it took them till after 5 pm last night to get me a result from a sonogram at 1:45 in the afternoon. Then the pharmacy only had 2 of the pills for the prescription I was picking up so I have to go back there today. But, at least now we get to hurry up and wait again... no seriously.

The ultra sound shows a gestational sac which would be normal for a 6 week old. It doesn't have a little baby in it yet so they said it's one of two things. 1. I'm not as far along as they thought because I have PCOS and my periods are wonky and that means I should be taking progesterone to help make a baby. 2. The baby isn't growing and they can't help me.

The solution? Assume the best. I'm taking Prometrium (orally) for the next 2 weeks then I'm going to get another ultra sound. If there is a baby then I'll take Prometrium till my 17th week and then wean off and the kid should be fine. If there isn't a baby then I stop taking Prometrium, get a D & C and go to Disneyland and ride adult rides.

Not that it will be that easy. Nothing ever is.

As of right now we are praying with all our hearts that I am just 6 weeks along and in 2 weeks someone is going to be putting up camp inside my uterus. I might be getting a prayer pager from my church. A prayer pager allows people to send you a page when they pray for you so you can feel the support of your community.

As for me, I lift my hope to the Lord and I ask you to do the same. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go throw up because this new pill doesn't like me very much. Which I'm ok with. If I get a baby out of it.

On a happy note the Sprout seems to severely dislike maple sugar and chocolate and really like rasberry iced tea and meat. I am officially having food aversions now.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update... still praying!!

Cheryl said...

Consider yourself "paged." LOVE!!!!!!!!

Candace said...

Sending a "page" your way!!! If it makes you feel any better. I went in for an early u/s and they told me that I would be having a miscarriage I could let it happen naturally or do a D & C. A few weeks later I switched doctors went in for another u/s and they discovered that I was a few weeks off in my dates. So that is TOTALLY possible!!! Hang in there. The waiting is the worst part. Big HUGS!!!

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, I found you when I was doing a search for the lyrics to Baby Mine and I had to bookmark you. After having been in your shoes (as far as miscarriage goes) more times than I'd like to remember, I am hoping for the best for you. Take care of yourself!

Krista said...

oh man, I'm so sorry that you're having to go thru this. The emotional roller coaster alone would've got me a long time ago. I continue to keep you and Jon in my thoughts and prayers.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

I'm certainly no expert, but the food aversions must be a good sign, right? My thoughts and prayers are with you :)

Anonymous said...

Here's a page for you.... I just prayed! And I answered your questions (well, one of them)...
