Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Case of the Eewww

My friend Aubry's son calls the flu the eww because ... well because he's 3 and it's cute I guess... or perhaps because he can't say the FL sound. Either way I think he's pronouncing of the whole thing better sums up how you feel.

Yesterday my daughter woke up angry at 5:30 am. That in itself is rare because she's such a morning baby and could give Ol' Faithful a run for it's money on being on time. I slugged myself out of bed and started the normal day routine once it was obvious she had no intention of going back to sleep.


That's the number of minutes the normal routine lasted before the barfing, pooping and screaming took over. She never spiked a fever and inbetween the barfing and pooping while crying she ate normally, drank lots of fluids and finally around noon took a really long nap.

By the time the hubby got home from work at noon I was done. But I had an interview yesterday so instead I took a one hour nap, forced myself into the shower, put on a dress and took off to Salida (30 minutes from here). I stopped just off the freeway to puke and thought "oh no I'm next."

I threw up twice during the wait before and during the dorky 6 pm group interview I was doing. By the time I left I had a full fledged migrane. I scratched a trip to walmart, barely made it into the driveway without crashing and walked into the air conditioned house which sent a spike of pain through my whole body.

I asked the hubby how she was doing as I slipped off my shoes (she was fine and already in bed). I announced I was going to go crawl into the fetal position and die. It was 8 pm. The next thing I remember was this morning when I woke up to someone small poking me in the eyeball. I feel much better today and the baby is fine. It hit hard and fast. I think out of fear of the eww my husband slept on the couch (as evident by the pillow and quilt still there this morning) but I really wouldn't know. I don't even remember putting the baby in bed with me last night and the hubby leaves for work before the baby ever gets up.

If anyone needs me I'll be Lysoling the planet.


Layla's Nana said...

I'm very happy to hear you're both feeling better... and so sorry you both had the Ewww

love ya!

Cheryl said...

Oh man. I'm glad it didn't last long.