Saturday, May 10, 2008

Now we go by Mommy

Some of us didn't see it coming, some of us planned for it our whole lives, some of us had to try like we were trying to make an olympic team, some of us just woke up to the reality of it but all of us became someone's mommy.
In a moments time we went from a life all about us to a life that meant nothing without them. We've healed broken hearts with aligator tears, cleaned up things we'd rather not even think about touching and shared our last little ounce of energy just to watch them smile.
We've reaped the best rewards... the snuggled in moments when the tension slips away and with a heavy sigh they fall sleeping at last, the bright eyed squeeling moments of amazement and wonder at things we'd forgotten how to enjoy and the every day moments that got lost between the 8 am bottle-10 am nap and lunch plans we almost didn't make.
So Happy Mother's Day to all of us... the ones who just getting started, the ones who've held a title forever and the ones still trying to figure it out.

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