Sunday, November 12, 2006

Thought I Forgot?

Don't worry I remembered to post today too. It's Sunday. Sunday's are traditionally a madhouse around here. We have church, then lunch with friends and today we had a girls only day at the local pottery painting place where I made a Christmas present for my mother. I know. It's lame...but really she doesn't need anything else I can afford to give her.

I have a presentation tomorrow at work that I am slightly scared...nah... make that scared silly about. So pray for me. I want this new job but I know some of the guys I work with would be perfectly content with keeping me where I am at and not letting me try something new. Not that they are out to get me...mind you... they just don't like change. And in some ways I can relate, I really like the pillows a certain way at night and I don't like it when they change the blend in my tea but I don't want to work the same job forever. That would be boring.

On another note, I keep going through phases of exstatic that Christmas is coming and fear. Fear that I won't be ready, fear that I can't afford it, fear that I'm not worried about celebrating it the right way. Retarded? I suppose. But for every moment of complete humble fear I have a moment of singing "What Child is This?" and looking at the overcast morning and wondering what our first Christmas will really have under the mistletoe so I guess it's pretty normal.

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