Sunday, November 05, 2006

Buzz Saws and Thunder

Buzz Saw? Thunder? Yeti running rampant through the streets? Zombies mating? Nope. It's just snoring. On both sides of the mattress.

My least favorite part of cold season is that no matter how wonderfully graceful and charming you are during the day, the odds are, at night you sound more like Darth Vader. There is nothing funny about snot. Like poo it's one of those topics that makes a person want to take a shower in purell and then walk around in a hazmat suit. There is nothing lady like about hacking up a lung, spitting a luggy or blowing your nose.

There are lots of ways I know my husband loves me. He makes cookies when I'm whiny. He cleaned the carpets for me today because the Church Book Club will be meeting at our house this month. He even takes out the trash and washes my car without being asked. But do you know how I'm so sure he's the one?

Love is being will to risk snot, germs and fevers in order to get a little action. Yep. He's the best.

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