It's been so busy here. I know I say that a lot but it's been a blur of MRI's, physical therapy for my back and unrelated dentist appointments for me plus kids learning and growing and trying new things, add a splash of Jon's booked solid and a little my work is a mad house and goodness me it's CrAzY here.
There was the girls first baseball game and my company picnic. Go Modesto Nuts.
And Anyah turned into Princess "Me Too" so there has been extra extra help in my kitchen.
And some sister time all at home in our jammies.
There was the whole day I demanded that everyone help clean up.
And the day PopPop took Layla fishing for the first time.
There was a hike at Knights Ferry where Anyah got a mad boo boo on her face.
And Queen "all by myself" did a zillion crafts.
There was the morning Anyah woke up an inch and a half taller with a neck.
And dinner with our favorite people.
Plus the baby became a toddler when I wasn't looking.
And the toddler is suddenly a preschooler, which I expressly remember saying wasn't allowed.
And that's just the last 3 weeks in highlights, imagine how much we missed talking about.
But sometimes I'd rather live it than write about it.
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