Thursday, July 07, 2011

Every Day America

We're blessed with markets filled with food and produce stands filled with affordable nutrition for our children to consume and grow healthy and strong.

We get to spend quality time handing down traditions and passing our favorite childhood experiences on to our children, from first piggy tails all the way through first vacations and holidays.

And we get to spend too much money recreating moments of awe and splendor in hopes that the every day and the just one day a year blend together into a life experience that teaches them to love and live well.

Because we don't know what will be their favorite childhood memory, that dinner we shared every night or just that one day we wrote our names with sparklers... And really it doesn't matter because we have freedom and a life of plenty and with that blessing of independence and safety they have a chance every day in America.

Every day.

And there are places where that isn't so. There are places were people wouldn't sign up to protect and serve in their honor so they can feel safe to learn and grow every single day.

There are people who don't get the blessing of every day with their families. They don't have the memory of dinner together every night or holidays spent together every year.

So to those who make the commitment and get up every day to do that heavy hearted job of saving the world, I send my thanks...

Not because this week had independence day...

But every day because of every day in America.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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