Thursday, March 24, 2011

Boxes, Tubs and Bags

The number of posts here was already a little skant and then I decided to yeah... hang in there... April we'll try and get back on track with the 600 photos that need to go up on the girls site, the 11 recipes I have pictures of to post on FatGirlEats and the things that have gone unsaid here.
Next week will be really busy. I have a few normal work days then I'm off for my Birthday on Monday so we can go to dinner with George and Devon. I'll be packing most of next week with breaks for Jon's tux fitting for the Fish Wedding and for another birthday dinner so I can FINALLY meet Bryan and get to see my favorite Miss Jenny. Then we should get our keys on the first and the Uverse and Internet should be up on the other house on the 2nd so that by the 3rd when we go to the party at George's we'll be good and ready for a break from all that moving.

Also, Jon starts a new job position at a new location on Monday the 4th.
April of course is a busy month with Anyah's party on the 17th, Easter on the 24th and me participating in the March of Dime's Walk for Babies.

Speaking of which, please support the cause by donating towards my walk. You can click the link to make your super awesome donation.

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