Monday, October 16, 2006

Fighting Myself and Losing

I've been struggling lately with my own faulted sinning human nature. Don't get me wrong I'm not frollicking from sin to sin with out any regard to myself or others. I just find myself often in the middle of the same sin without even realizing I was heading into that direct.

What sin you ask? Only the most simple and horrible of them all. I'm not loving people well. I'm taking it personally when people do little things and then I'm judging them and then judging myself for being hurt.

Judge not least ye be judged. Sigh.

I made my resolution about a week ago after an anger sermon at my church to make a dedicated try at not becoming angry at people for loving me the best way they know how even if it's not the way I want to be loved.

I'll keep you posted on how that turns out... but so far it's tough.

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