Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I had it...then I lost it...

I had this long post ready about my weekend and then my laptop battery died. I decided not to retype it. Instead I am writing this lovely short post about my OBGYN appt today.

I'm starting to dialate, I'm at between 1-2 centimeters. I go back in a week and a half (to get me on the right weekday for how far along I am now).

The baby they think is between 8-9 pounds. Yikes!

That's about it.


Anonymous said...

That is great but I would have to heard about your shower too.
8 and 9 pounds? that is a good healthy size baby

Anonymous said...

check your drafts, because it may have saved it thanks to blogger's new autosave feature...

great job with the dilating!!! you're getting closer & closer!!

Krista said...

8-9 lbs??? Oye.