Friday, February 02, 2007

Movie Night

So once upon a time I was known for the themed movie party and being as it's Friday night I thought I'd share two of those themes with you in case you decide to have a movie night of your own this weekend.

The first theme is a Godfather Movie Night (also an Italian Mob Movie Night)-

Your going to need your favorite Mobster movies. For me that means the Godfather trilogy. Have everyone wear their best Mobster outfit. Make a traditional Italian meal (spaghetti and meatballs or baked ziti are my favorites) and put some Frank Sinatra on in the kitchen. Serve red wine from carafes and enjoy your adult movie night. For a game twist you can try taking a shot when ever someone says the word Godfather or trying to count the number of times someone says "back in Sicily".

The second theme is an actor based theme (for instance... John Travota Night)-

Get your favorite movies all containing one actor. Such as for this theme night you would need Pulp Fiction, Phenomenon, Michael, Look Who's Talkin' etc. If you've seen the movies before cook foods that are in each movie as that movie is playing. For instance making a burger during Pulp Fiction, Fresh Garden salad during Phenomenon, Chocolate Chip Cookies during Michael (he smells like them) and pop corn during look who's talking to share during the scene where they get free popcorn. During theme nights like this I play a twist on the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon seeing if we can connect any other actors and actresses with the star of the night using only 6 other actors or actresses.

Hope you enjoy my themes...What are some other themes that you enjoy?

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