Friday, April 25, 2008

*A* Scattegories Game from my Mommy

I hope you also see this is as a brain exercise's harder than it looks!

*Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...
*they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up!

1. What is your name: ----- Allison Hattie
2. 4 letter word --------------- AMEN
3. Vehicle: --------------------- Audi
4. City-----------------------------Amarillo
5. Boys name: ----------------Austin
6. Girl Name: ------------------Amelia
7. Alcoholic drink: -----------Amaretto & Coffee
8. Occupation:---------------- Alcoholics Anonymous Advisor (hee hee three points)
9. Something you wear: --------------Applesauce (hey I've got a 6 month old)
10. Celebrity: ----------------------------- Amanda Goodman
11. Food: ----------------------------------- Asparagus
12. Something found in a bathroom------- Antibiotic
13. Reason for Being Late: --------Alarm didn't go off
14. Cartoon Character: ----------------Annie Warbucks
15. Something You Shout: -----------Aahaa!
16. Animal: --------------------------------Alligator
17. Body part:-----------------------------Armpit
18. Word to describe you: -----------Available (as in to start work immediately)

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