Tuesday, November 03, 2009


It's 51 days until Christmas . I haven't bought Layla a single gift, in fact I've only bought 4 presents so far. I haven't taken family photos for the Christmas card or planned what we'll wear. This year Christmas seemed so far away and so seperate from all the things that needed my immediate attention. Then I woke up, and it was here...well "here" in the grand sense of the word.
I am super excited about Christmas. It's been a rough year. We've lost babies, people have lost and found jobs, there was family moving and people going to heaven and I think we could use a little Christmas.
So I'm trying to slug my way towards Thanksgiving today. I am making "the list" you know the one of the things you'll need for the best turkey dinner ever which always magically forgets at least 1 thing you have to send your hubby to the store for on turkey day.
I figure it's a step in the right direction. A little redirection of my hope and all this energy that seems to be building up right under the surface.
Today seems like a good day to make a big roast, cuddle my daughter and let her pick things from the Toys R Us Big Book to add to her wishlist for the grandparents. Today might just be a good day to think about something less overwhelming then all the things I've had to think about in the last month.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

You and your 4 gifts are WAY ahead of me. I better get busy! And, I haven't taken my Christmas picture either...