Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I resign my crown

I've gone 24 hours without puking. Mostly in thanks I think to the fact that I haven't eaten much with flavor. I've stuck to a diet of bugles, rice cakes, grapes and bean burritos. So far so good.

I have weird cramping today. I suppose weird cramping is to be expected. I hope it's not a sign of impending doom. I figure stress is more of an enemy than cramps so I am trying to keep my stress levels low.

Jon had to sleep on the couch again last night. Well... he didn't have to... but he did. Bless his heart. I slept like a baby again sprawled across the bed in front of my open freezing window. It was great.


Cheryl said...

I experienced cramping called round ligament pain throughout most of my pregnancy. Freaked me out everytime. Felt just like menstrual cramps to me. the doctor said it was just my body shifting and adjusting to carrying a heavier uterus.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Allie, I missed the good news - congratulations!

The cramping - may be round ligament pain, like mammacheryl said. That was my first real clue that I was pregnant, this weird crampy/pulling feeling that literally took my breath away. It hurt. OW.

I hope the no puking continues, and I hope the rest of your pregnancy is healthy and happy!