Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It was like going back to work, but shorter

I went back to work Monday morning, all ampted up from my little vacation and ready to tackle the world. I came home at the end of the day exhausted because having 4 days off really put me on the wrong schedule.

Then for reasons beyong my control I had to call in sick today and I already have tomorrow as a regularly scheduled day off (which I'm sure looks bad-but what is a girl to do at 2 am).

I'll work Thursday (my mom is arranged to watch the baby just in case) and Friday (when I'll hurry home because Jon goes to work as soon as I get back to the house) and then I'll have Saturday off because it's my four weeks of weekends off this rotation.

Several countdowns are playing out in my head right now. The one to the next paycheck, the one until Jen & Mel finds out if their babies really are pink or blue and mostly...the 18 days until Lynn comes home for three weeks and I get to hang out with her and my lovely little God-son.

Today I told Layla that Pheonix would come over and play later this month and she spent a good twenty minutes talking in baby gibberish. I know she knows who he is because we talk about his pictures and Lynn's pictures...so I wonder what she's trying to tell me. Knowing my kid she's planning future play dates at the park and a trip or two to go visit.

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