Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Spiritual Gifts

My Baptist grandmother was part Cherokee Indian. Despite believing with all her heart in the salvation of the Lord she also believed in the power of dreams. Dreams she said, where Gods way of motivating us. She believed in dreams because she had them. She had them about babies that weren't born yet, people who would die within the next week, every new job that anyone in my family ever had, the men we would marry and about bible verses people needed to know.

She'd wake up and she'd tell someone I had a dream that you needed to hear Joshua something or other... and then they'd say "I'd been praying about that".

That was Grandma. Then she died. Now it looks like it's going to be me. Not always. Not like her. In fact with the exception of marriage dreams about my current husband I have had them few and far between. Until now.

Now the guy in my office has been praying for a spiritual gift and mine has been going haywire. Last night I had a dream that the guy at work told the Pastor he had to read Psalm 9:18 then I woke up. I went back to sleep. I had the same dream about 14 times.

Psalm 9:18 "But the needy will not always be forgotten, nore the hope of the afflicted ever perish"

Why do we need to know that? I don't know. But we do...

And no... I'm not crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to know all of it. That's why it's there.

Good post.