Then Saturday night Jon and I stayed up much too late watching Entourage season 3 on DVD which we had borrowed from a friend. I love Jeremy Piven. So Sunday morning yet as I may I couldn't pry myself out of bed and Jon was kind enough to get up with the baby. I woke up what felt like 30 minutes later but was actually 3 hours later very rested.
The baby and I have spent our day in our pajamas. I made lunch and dinner and I got some dishes done only to make more dirty dishes. Eventually we took a bath only to slip into new pajamas.
So on Sunday I did what I thought I would do all day Saturday instead of going to the worship service at church and running to the local park to play in the water play area with Layla. I'm ok with that.
Today my mom canceled a girls weekend that was planned for later this month so one of my weekends suddenly freed itself up.
Jon forgot to ask for next Saturday off so he'll have to free up his schedule for the company picnic at the county fair.
I've got a baby shower to plan. I've got Layla's birthday to get started on. I have another round of dishes to do.
Would I be a bad person if I put it off another day and watched a movie in my pajamas while making brownies instead?
Don't answer that... I don't want your opinion to effect my decision.
I see nothing wrong with that. It's Sunday, the day of rest. :)
the truth is, you didn't really want our opinions because they WOULD NOT effect the outcome LOL
I can smell the brownies from here!
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