Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Joy Stealers Go Away (Day 9- late is better than never)

So yesterday was all about Joy stealers. Guess which one of these things tried to steal my joy...

1.I got up to find a rain storm would make my hour and a half drive to training into what I thought would be a two and a half hour drive.

2.Turns out it was more like 3 and I was late. I passed 3 accidents on the way to the mtg place.

3. I didn't have a pepsi all day and I didn't get to eat lunch because I was trying to make up for the fact that I was running late by mingling with big wigs during my lunch break.

4. The hormone pills finally managed to make a menstrual cycle and I spent 6 hours in one day in a car and another 6 sitting in a class.

5. I almost ran out of gas on the way home,but I had no cash so I had to go home and then back to the gas station.

6. There was nothing to eat for dinner TV.

7. The christmas tree was placed too close to the heating vent and is now VERY dry. Thanks to several days at 72 degrees while we watched babies. Now we'll be taking the whole tree down this week and then putting up a new one before our party on Saturday and while watching my nephew overnight for the first time.

8. None of the above. Joy can not be stolen. It is something you give yourself or you take away from yourself...although all these things did happen.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Joy Stealers suck. Stick with ever-abundant joy producers and you can't go wrong.