Friday, December 01, 2006


Last night Judy Howard Peterson talked about time. How we wait for that perfect moment in the fullness of time for God to stop the day to day tick tock of time and put us in that perfect moment in time when all things come together. She talked about living life in expectation, that is, living life in expectation that God is doing something. Not living life with expectation, which would be expecting God to do things in your life.

Judy is a great speaker. I'll put a link up here later to her site Soul to Sole or Sole to Soul. I can't remember what it's called...but whatever it's called I'll get you a link in the next 24 hours.

Today is my drs appt. The much awaited Drs appt where he takes a look at my one napping ovary and it's friend the ovary in a comma and decides what if anything can be done now. I woke up this morning and I didn't hit snooze three times. In fact I didn't do anything like I normally do it. Today I woke up expecting God with expecting a result. I don't know what will happen today at 10:30 but I expect that whatever it is it will be part of some greater moment in time that God will reveal later.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Good luck, Allie! We look forward to hearing positive news.