Friday, August 03, 2007

30 weeks

The counter in my sidebar is set to the latest due date that I was given. If you use Oct 2nd as my due date (which is the one they tell me all the time now) I'm at 31 weeks and 3 days. I never mention that date really because I'd rather think of the baby as early than late. But the truth of the matter is when I go to those "what to expect" sites I have symptoms and signs much more like someone at 31 weeks and 3 days than I do of someone at 30 weeks.

I have 6 stretchmarks. They are like a starburst from my bellow button, exploding out in every direction instead of striping up and down like a zebra. I have only had swollen feet twice this whole pregnancy and once was after a full day walking at the fair. After that same full day at the fair I had contractions for 4 and a half hours. But, it was a false alarm I guess because it stopped. I managed not to wake my husband and drive myself to the LDR so I'm pretty proud of that.

They tell me that by the end of this week the baby would weigh around 3.5 pounds if I were 31 weeks instead of 30. She's past that. So either way she's going to be a healthy girl. They tell me that by now it is ok to have put on about 20 pounds but I'm still about 8 pounds under the weight I started out. So far I've put on 7 pounds since I started gaining instead of losing. I get heartburn from drinking water and my backaches by the end of the work day. Never so bad I can't function and I don't really mind it most of the time.

All in all, I've got 10 weeks left... hopefully max. I don't feel tired of being pregnant yet although I am tired of going pee every hour on the hour. Really, this pregnancy thing isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Oh... and for the countdown... 30 days till I'm off work on Maternity leave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sooo glad you are pregnant, but right now I need someone to help me organize my life and you are good at that!!!!! But I would rather have a Layla than an organized office, your anonymous friend Eden