Friday, August 17, 2007

32 weeks

People tell me that the third trimester is supposed to hit you like a load of bricks. I don't know about that but what I do know is that sometime in your month eight of pregnancy you get really tired of having heartburn and you start wondering what it would be like to not have to go pee.

Eight months pregnant. Phew. That seems like such a big thing to say considering when we started we had barely a chance of a baby surviving. I am tempted every once in awhile to drive back to that first OBGYN who told me this baby was doomed and place his hand on my stomach while the baby practices to be a soccer all star and ask him if he really thinks that it wouldn't be worth "all the work" still.

I have 11 work days left till I am out on Maternity Leave (hypothetically) and I am sort of looking foward to being able to sleep if I am tired and be awake when I am not (even if when I am awake is 3 am). I am also looking forward to not worrying about my boobs leaking something while I'm at work. I worry about that a lot...being as they have started leaking something whenever they feel like it.

Then there are the things I am looking forward to that are a little further out. Like sex. Seriously, being on pelvic rest for 8 months is just cruel and unusual. I think I vaguely remember sex... I might have seen it on TV once. If it weren't for the fact that I know I had to have it in order to make this baby I would think I haven't done it in years.

I'm also looking forward to being able to bend over without feeling like there is a little tiny head in my lungs. Turns out it's not a head though... it's a butt. There is a butt in my lungs people. Can you imagine?

And I want a margarita. But you already knew that.

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