Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Growing Up is Hard to Do

Anyah is in a nice pattern of eat-sleep-grow. Recently she finally started trying out times of awake and not eating. According to my Dr that's normal for babies who are a little early to take awhile to do...they have growing to finish up before they worry about things like staring at you for long periods of time without blinking.
Now that Anyah is sometimes awake Layla has taken an interest in doing things like playing with her hands as they fly around her in a whirl of newborn exploration and trying to get her to make noises by talking loudly very close to her face very early in the morning. Previously she was only interested in petting her head like a puppy and kissing her too quickly to be caught on film.
I can't believe it's been a month. On one hand it feels like Anyah has always been here. On the other hand-- I am just not very good at this yet-- which is ironic because it's the second time I've done it and this baby is more healthy and thusly a little easier to feed/change/put to sleep.
I already find myself looking at her little feet and thinking "weren't those smaller yesterday" and this time I know how fleeting newborn-ness is so I am soaking up the melt into you cuddling and early morning coo-ing before it's all gone.
My perspective has changed. Suddenly, Layla is so grown up. She's "using her words" more and her imaginative and explorative play has easily quadrupled in the time I've been at home. This week she had a Nannie's house day that resulted in 12 hours of sleeping and I swear she woke up smarter. I know that sounds weird but I think sometimes kids take a nap and wake up and something they have been trying to do forever will just click.
Or maybe I just woke up more aware of how much she has grown up...wasn't it just yesterday that we used to lay her in the middle of the GIANT queen size bed and watch her do newborn baby leg pilates?

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