Sunday, May 23, 2010

This week

This week is going to be delicious! We have a playdate and BBQ lunch tomorrow with the cousins & Auntie from Washington. Then Tuesday a visit to see Miss Jenny Meghan's new apartment & lunch of course (because we love lunch). I also have a Dr's appointment that day. Wednesday we have a playdate (possibly) with friends visiting from another state & Grammi Chris arrives from South Carolina. That leads to a week with Grammi visiting. Friday I am hoping to still be able to run by the Farmer's Market for produce. And now on Saturday the 3 cousins from South Carolina (with their parents) and the 2 cousins from Washington (with their parents) are meeting at the park for a giant family playdate followed by ??? You guessed it....more food. Sunday is Little Cousin Collin's birthday bash...mmm...cake... and a chance for the Great Grandpa who hasn't met Anyah yet to finally see her. OH! and there is family from Southern California up visiting on Sunday that we may or may not be able to squeeze a visit in with.
I'm feeling blessed to have this time to visit with family and bond with baby. I am also feeling blessed that I have a little time once it's over to take a nap or 12 because this sounds exhausting.
But the most blessed part so far is that I haven't accidently overbooked myself considering that I usually use the calendar in my phone for this sort of thing and my phone is still dead (and will not be replaced until early June).

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