Monday, August 27, 2007

27 Things I Love for His 27th Birthday

Today is the hubby's 27th birthday and so I have decided to list 27 things I love about celebrate the day he was born.

1. Every night when I go to bed my husband "tucks me in". He turns on the alarm clock, adjusts the bedding and sits and talks with me for a few minutes before kissing me goodnight and turning off the light.

2. He can't match his clothing to save his life. But he tries, lord he tries, and I think it's adorable.

3. Family comes first. Whenever his mother, sister or brothers need something he is quick to drop what he is doing and try to help. This includes being the only 27 year old man I know that would volunteer to babysit a 9 month old girl so she doesn't have to get dragged to a baby shower next week and hanging lots and lots of things in other people's houses.

4. He eats things that come from the microwave- willingly. Those of you who know me know I can't stand pre-made foods. So having a husband who'd willingly eat a frozen burrito on the nights I don't want to!

5. He takes out the trash. Every. Single. Week. I don't have to ask. It's just something he does. In fact I bet it's been at least 6 months since I touched the trash.

6. My hubby shops. Not all the time, but when I need him to he'll run to the store...or several stores. He's good with a list and usually brings back exactly what I asked for.

7 & 8. He loves God with all his heart and his mommy with all his soul. So when I got married it bothered me that I ranked 3rd. Jesus. Mommy. Wife. Now though, I find it very passionate for someone to be able to love me, Jesus, and his mommy all about the same amount.

9. He hates my cat...unless you're not looking in which case he's totally whipped by the cat.

10. He can make me laugh when I'm really upset and when I'm really really upset he's smart enough to leave the building so I can have quiet time alone with my cleaning supplies.

11. He loves his job and he tries to help other people find things in their lives they can love so that they enjoy their responsibilities as well.

12. He can't listen and play a video game at the same time but he can hold a conversation quite nicely while I watch the food network or during the commercials of Law & Order. (Seriously, I'm a talker people, I have to talk during the commercials).

13. He likes to travel but isn't annoyed that we've been on lock down for 9 months due to a high risk pregnancy.

14. Ditto to #13 but replace "to travel" with "get busy".

15. He has never treated me in a disrespectful manner, even when I was being a shakespear style shrew with 3 heads and a forked tail.

16. He tried to eat the world's worst pinto beans the other day just because I made them. He didn't even say anything smart when I declared them "too salty to eat".

17. He's witty. I have a huge thing about charismatic people. If he couldn't hold his own in a battle of the tongue and wit I'd have to replace him.

18. He doesn't let me win and sometimes he does lose. Now if only I could get him to give me
"the list", I'd like to win that one.

19. He is not a martyr but he will self sacrifice for love. For instance, when I was heartbroken because our friends couldn't help us move he moved 90% of the stuff we own on his own in the summer heat because he knew I was pregnant and nesting and I would appreciate it. He's very "service oriented" for his language of love.

20. He still gets excited when we go to Disneyland. Everyone should have an inner child. That little part inside of them that wants to skip and eat ice cream and stay up late.

21. He doesn't panic. Ever. I sounds crazy?! But, I can honestly say I have never seen him panic.

22. He loves well. Everyone. Even you... even if he doesn't know you yet. Even if you hurt him yesterday. Even if you might hurt me. He'll love a safe distance. But you'll feel loved.

23. He's creepy optimistic. The glass is half full, the money will stretch, the plan will work and the prayer will be answered. Period.

24. He looks damn good in a tux. Or a bathing suit. Or his birthday suit. I may be bias.

25. He's going to make a great father, he's already an amazing Uncle. My niece adores him with all her being and follows him around and crawls all over him. She's smitten too. But he's mine.

26. He's a great friend. Even when people aren't the best at being friends back. He can see around it to the way they are "trying" and give them the benefit of the doubt and all these other things I never think to do.

27. He is the better half.


Anonymous said...

Very sweet!

Candace said...

Sounds like an awesome guy! I hope he has a great birthday!

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you Allison Hattie
Sounds like you married a great man
I hope his birthday is wonderful