Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Babies Rn't Us

So yesterday was the long awaited fertility specialist appointment. It actually wasn't that bad. Icky. But not bad.

He thinks my ovaries are better off than the normal Dr. did. Not healthy mind you but not about to fall out on the floor either. He recommended switching to Dr. Wilson the first chance I got because he prefers working with him to working with Dr. Hennes.

He also gave Jon and I some advice on preconception stuff (less caffiene, lose some weight, take a ton of folic acid (more than a prenatal vitamin)) and made me promise that the second I took a positive urine pregnancy test I would come in for Progesterone because my one weak ovary lowers my production of it which is probably the primary reason that I miscarried. Prog. is needed for an implanted egg to start to grow and transform the lining of your uterus. I have a lot less than a normal person. That's really bad news if you're an egg.

He also informed us that Blue Shield is evil...well ok so that's not an exact quote...but that they only cover my appointments after I have miscarried or still birthed 3 times. And that at that point I should expect to need around 5K if I want to get all the tests done that he would need to actually make Jon and I able to have a baby. That's not even an option until after the 3 tragic deaths of little babies though... so we're working around that.
He thinks I have closer to two years to try and have a baby. It seemed pretty promising other than the part about how without prog. I would surely miscarry every time.

Also we found out that there are different levels of PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome) and that the version that I had...although a pain (literally) is pretty slow moving and although I produce cysts they wouldn't harm a baby if I happened to have one while I was pregnant which leaves me much better off than the original Dr thought I would be.

So I guess at this point we are praying that God will make it very OBVIOUS when we end up pregnant so we can start getting progesterone shots ASAP when we need them. And that we would be able to get pregnant within the next year so that hopefully we can have one/two babies of our own before we have to look into the adoption route more thoroughly. We get a shot every other month. So that leaves us with 12 chances before my two year mark is up. So someone could pray about that too.

My next appointment is on the 1st of December, it will be an appoint with Dr Hennes and Dr Sanchez at the same time to make sure everything is in working order. Praises to God it only costs two co-pays for the ability of two doctors to work on you at once.

Thanks for your prayers so far...we'll keep you posted.


Mr & Mrs J (officially because I changed my name this week)

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I'll be praying for you Allie! Good luck.