Friday, November 17, 2006


So it's time for Frankly Friday which is the point in the week where I acknowledge a great thing and a crappy thing from the week before as well as something I learned this week. It's a good way to keep the work week in perspective before moving on to the fun filled weekend.

Friday Fab- I'd have to say that there was one day this week that will stand out for a long time as proof Jon is awesome, that day which involved a lot of dish doing, desk assembly and assorted laundry was fabulous...not just because I didn't have to do it but also because he did it out of love.

Friday Flop- What's up with the header of this blog? I dunno how to fix it. It breaks daily. And why is my right side margin so big. Sigh. Flop. Definitely a flop.

Friday Fact- Sometimes things you expect to be awful are awesome and sometimes things you expect to be fabulous are flops.

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