Thursday, May 10, 2007

Air Glorious Air

If you don't live in the Central Valley of California you're probably enjoying the tail end of a Spring season. But, if you live where I live it's been in the high 80's low 90's for a week and it's mighty hot. I get the great pleasure of being pregnant during summer and already being one of the hottest people I know...who btw, never really sweats (which makes one even hotter).

Yesterday, my husband took pity on me and went out to get the floor fan from the storage shed in the back yard. I slept last night with the air conditioning on artic and the fan on it's highest setting blowing directly on me. For the first time in 2 months, I slept like a baby, instead of like someone who's having a baby.

I would have slept more except at 5 am I was awoke by a cat, my cat, jumping off the window frame on to my stomach (not where the baby was luckily) and causing me a sudden urgency to go pee. I then promptly curled up in my quilt under the fan and overslept my 7 am alarm by 20 minutes.

Gosh I missed cold air.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

This drives my husband a little batty as well. Even when I'm not pregnant, I like to sleep with the temperature in the room in the low sixties. I LOVE cuddling under blankets.