Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Like a Wave

Saturday was my nephew's first birthday. He's a great kid and his little party was held in our back yard. The California sun smiled on us and the temperature never got too hot and the breeze was steady. It was a nice moment of celebrating life.

Sunday I woke up with a wave of "oh my god I'm going to be sick" panic. I spent most of the day Sunday on the couch with intermitten breaks to run to the restroom or get another glass of water or 7 up. I sent my husband away to play with friends so I could moan alone. I had a temperature and I was exhausted.

By Monday I was too tired to go to work and still slightly nauseous but the fever broke. Now my fears of running to the bath room were equally matched with my fears that I was dehydrated or mal-nurishing a fetus. By Monday night I new today would be a battle of will.

Today was payroll day at work. I run the payroll. I needed to go in. So here I am at work. I'm 2/3 of the way done with payroll and already fully aware that by this afternoon I need to be working from home.

I thought I had the flu. I was slightly pissed I missed my first psuedo mother's day and I fell asleep without calling my mom or Jon's mom. By today the girls at work convinced me I probably got sun stroke. Although I didn't get a sun burn I did have a lot of sun time and I didn't drink healthy fluids. Luckily that home heartbeat doppler assures me the baby didn't seem to notice.

But I noticed.


Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon. I will be praying for you, and sprout.

Cheryl said...

I despise illness... especially during pregnancy because it seems like everything is magnified. Get well soon, dear.