Thursday, May 24, 2007

Eight random facts about me?

Eight random facts about me?

Cheryl over at Red Pens & Diapers (see link in sidebar) tagged me for a meme

1. I won't drink coke. Everyone knows that I am addicted to Pepsi with lots of ice but what you don't know is that if it's a place with coke I'll have a Dr. Pepper or a Sprite or whatever it takes to not drink a coke.

2. My normal perfume smells like food. Brown sugar and cinammon to be exact. I also have a bottle of provocative but I only use it when I can't smell like a Christmas morning.

3. I can't roller blade or roller skate. Do you remember that scene in Cats & Dogs where the dog has on roller skates. That dog skates better than I do. And it's not from a lack of trying.

4. My wedding ring is made from the diamonds of my favorite grandmother's wedding ring. She left me hers when she died (which was very big (in size not diamonds)) and I wanted to use it as mine but it was ugly so I kept the diamonds and made a new simple ring. I think of her every time I look at my hand.

5. When my other grandmother died the only thing I kept was her recipes. I got rid of everything else. For me food is the thing that holds my memories. A pie or a casserole or a particular stuffing can take me right back to a specific moment in my life.

6. I'm terrified of moths. You know the little evil bugs that eat your sweaters. If you make a moth wing noise I will scream and slap you. If one flies by me I will run away. I will touch a snake, I can kill a spider if I have to but I'll lock myself out of a room for a week to avoid a moth.

7. I have no depth perception. I therefore will not parellel park or toss babies in the air and catch them. Playing it cool while batting is ok, faking it while you run through a crowded space could be harmful but rarely is but I'm terrified of hurting someone else's stuff.

8. I love surveys, memes, and all other forms of interviews. It makes me have to think and put things in perspective so as soon as Cheryl tagged me I started typing my answers.

Now I tag 8 people (but I'm only tagging 6)... honestly if they don't want to do this they don't have to but I think it sounds fun because all the people on my links are super great blogs to read (not that I am bias)... all the people I listed have links in the sidebar so feel free to check them out...

Niobe at Dead Baby Jokes

Annie at Where the Green Grass Grows

Christine at Mom's the Word

Elaine at Wanna Be Hippie

Krista at It's always something

Mary at Owlhaven/Larger Families/ The Ethiopian Adoption Blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Thanks for tagging me!! And you can do the meme I did yesterday, if you feel so inclined... I'll get it up right away!