Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Trying to get a video of my daughter crawling is not unlike trying to catch rare film footage of a Yeti in the forest. She's her fathers child and when the camera comes out she does her best to stop whatever cute activity might be in progress and give me the evil eye. Normally if I wait long enough she starts again. Crawling... it appears... is the exception.

Although in trying to get a video of crawling I now have great videos of her talking, rolling, doing the worm, sitting up, playing, crying and even blowing snot bubbles. Most of it's too long to post. So really...

I've got nothing people.


Lynn said...

I've been trying to get Phoenix on camera when he's "getting his gangsta dance on", for about three months.

Layla's Nana said...

I can do without the snot bubbles but I'll take the rest :)
don't give up!