Saturday, June 20, 2009

Twinkle Toes

For those of you that read here often, I probably don't have to explain my weird fascination with my daughters feet. They were the first part of her I saw in an ultrasound, the first part I could identify poking out from underneath my skin when she rolled around in my tummy and the thing I played with for months and months while I sat in rocking chair after rocking chair humming and giving her bottles. They are the part of her that she dances on, the part she points when she's feeling girly and the part that she requests being tickled when she feels silly. She uses them to push you out of the way and to kick out her frustrations and sometimes she crosses them when she sits on the chair watching TV, sit sits there just like daddy, she sits there just like she did in the womb in that first sonogram picture...and I find myself thinking...

she's so big...

she's so little...

we've come so far...

we've got so far to go...

I love her.

1 comment:

Layla's Nana said...

I love her too!