Friday, July 20, 2007

28 Weeks

I'm sure most of you have figured out from my lack of posting that I got the flu this week from my room-mate. It was yucky. I'm pretty sure it's almost over now. Hopefully, I'll be good as new by tomorrow.

Week 28 of pregnancy brought something I did not expect. The 9 step program to roll over. Seriously. First you think about it for 4 minutes, then you have to pick yourself over and roll part way, then think about it for 5 minutes, then pick yourself up and roll the rest of the way over, then sort pillows for 3 minutes, then decide you have to pee, get up come back, adjust 3 times and finally get comfortable only to listen to the cat now settle down for 10 minutes while your hand goes numb and then decide to start the whole process over.

I woke up this morning, on the first day of my 28th week of pregnancy, having totally inappropriate desires for garlic bread. Seriously, it was borderline gluttony. Luckily for me there was stuff to make garlic bread in the house or else I think I would have ended up with a pending divorce from waking up the hubby from a dead sleep to send him for sour dough bread at 9 am.

Next weekend, hopefully on Saturday, my room mate moves out and the page of things to do for the nursery becomes priority numero uno all day Sunday. Can I just say that the thought of being able to put things where they go makes me giddy? I took before pictures yesterday...complete with laundry on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink ... because I am human. And I'll be doing a before and after post once the house is all the way it's supposed to be.

So that's about it... hello 7th month of pregnancy...good bye former pants size (because I just official got too big for my fat girl pants). 12 weeks left...and counting.


niobe said...

mmmm....garlic bread. That sounds soooo good. And I don't have the excuse of being 28 weeks pregnant.

Cheryl said...

Wooohooo. Garlic bread is yummy. So is setting up nurseries. We just got three huge totes full of baby clothes on Saturday... and now I get the joy of sorting, washing, sorting and storing all the cute pink fuzzy stuff. Yay! Anyway. Have fun with your seventh month.