Friday, September 12, 2008

The Cold Epidemic of 2008

Otherwise known as the story of my night/morning.

Last night I went to bed at 9 because I couldn't handle hacking up my lungs any more. The
baby and Jon both got a head cold but me I was lucky enough to have the same cold go directly to my weak bronicial tubes. I've always been a sucker for a good case of bronchitis.

So the baby who has been sleeping in her own bed in her own room for well over a month ended up in bed with me a few times the first couple nights that she was sick. And then she slept in her bed alone two nights and I thought we were on the uphill stretch for her.

Then midnight came... and I awoke to a crying baby covered in her own snot (despite getting cold meds before bed) which I got up, changed her diaper, cleaned her up and moved her into the spare bed (where I've been sleeping since she got sick because she's very restless and it's just easier). She immediately goes back to sleep and I think "phew that was easy".

When 2 am rolls around she thinks it's time to wake up for the morning. She proceeds rolling over me which makes me cough and then mimicing my coughing noise. She also makes the elephant noise whenever I blow my nose and in general has a great time staring at me because she's wide awake and I'm still fighting the cough syrup coma.

When daddy gets into the shower for work around 3 am she spends the whole time he is in the shower screaming "dad-dEEEEE" until he comes out and I have him watch her for a second while I go pee because listening to the shower almost did me in. Then I change another diaper and mysteriously she goes back to sleep without a fuss.

That gets us through until 5:45 when it becomes clear she will NOT be going back to sleep so while I go to the bathroom she empties out two bathroom shelves and then we go downstairs leaving a trail of baby rubble behind us on the floor.

She has a bottle and a waffle because I am too tired to make an egg. Then we settle in for some Disney shows...and then at 7:45 she loses her sh*t... still haven't figured out why. The scream scares me so much I jump up forgetting a glass of tea was sitting on my lap and shower myself and the couch with hot tea....

She screams the whole time I strip naked, I leave the couch for later and rush to her to find that she is screaming.... why? guess?

Because you can't pull the wheel off tonka trucks.


I think it's time for a nap.

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