Monday, September 01, 2008

The Fly Hunter

This week I had the bright idea one morning to open up my front door and air out the house. I totally forgot that I live in a communal environment now and that flies thrive near apartment complexes so for the last 3 evenings our TV enjoyment after Layla goes to bed has been plagued by fly batting, fly swearing, and general fly hatred.

Today I had had enough. Being the green person I am around my daughter I didn't want to pull out a can of liquid death and go on a fly holocaust so instead I got out the dollar bin fly swatter no one ever uses and started a stealth like overview of the entire house while Layla had her morning snack.

Twenty minutes and eleven flies later I feel much better. I've only seen one since them. But, don't you worry... that one's days are marked as well.

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