Saturday, April 18, 2009

Little People

Yesterday we went to the park to play with Layla's little buddy North. Well...they don't exactly play with each other yet, mostly they play next to each other (like the picture above on side by side swings). It's neat to see where their little personalities are different being as they were born on the same day.
Layla is head strong, independent and determined to find adventure. North is curious, quiet and patient. Layla wants to run off to the next thing while North wants to examine the thing he has more closely.
Of course, Layla's sense of adventure ended with her getting hit in the face with a swingset and having a minor nose bleed/freak out. While North with his gentle nature wandered around making friends with other kids playing in the bark.
Maybe if we get lucky a little of North will rub off on Layla and I won't have to invest her college fund in band-aids.
** And yes that is the big purple bruise on Layla's head from her fall in the house earlier this week**


Trisha said...

Hey, cute picture! I agree, North and Layla are all of the above. They are both so cute.

We are back home now, see you on the next swing through town!

Layla's Nana said...

What's so amazing is that they're, at 18 months, are so completely WHO they are already.... wonderful isn't it?