Sunday, May 03, 2009


On Friday afternoon layla spilt a suppy cup all over her lap. On my way upstairs I felt something wet hit my arm but quickly disregarded it as wet baby dripping and went upstairs to change her. Ten minutes later on my way downstairs without a toddler in hand I got hit by another drip so I turned to look at the top of the stairs to see if perhaps Jon was spraying me as a joke or if maybe layla had figured out how to spit downhill. Nothing.

So I looked up.

There I found a seeping wet ceiling and water making it's way both down my walls and dripping on to my carpet. *sigh*

Two calls with the landlord, a couple of meetings with the complex manager who lives next door and one roof specialist (who by the way says there is no issue with the roof) and now all I have is a hypothetically problem with my fire sprinklers, a future unknown date with a construction person who might put a hole in my roof and no good reason why sprinklers would leak only on rainy days.

Oh and a bitchin set of water stained walls.

Lucky me

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