Friday, May 08, 2009

Getting Older

I'm getting to that age. The middle age where people think things and there is a part of your brain that goes "nope that's wrong" and no matter what they say about it the whole time your thinking "whatever you're an idiot". I think they call that age motherhood.
Suddenly she's not some little baby that I'm worried about breaking or accidently scarring forever. Now she's a little person and people are something that I am totally comfortable with so when people start telling me that they know up from down and I'm upside down I suddenly have no problem telling them where to stick it.
And, I must not be doing too badly because she is confident and funny and social and most of the time pretty well behaved. So now I work on the opposite end of the parenting I started with. Now instead of worrying someone will say something to me, I worry about saying something offensive to someone else. And, as a result I keep my mouth shut most of the time.
But, I really have something I want to say. At least this month I have something I want to say. So what do you think internets...would you say it?


Courtney said...

I say, say what you wanna say. It's your prerogative, and you'll do whatcha wanna do.

I say what I want to say on my blog box. Well, most the time.

Courtney said...
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