Thursday, June 21, 2007


I want to nest. I want to sort things, unpack baby bedding and put all the little furniture in the same room. But, I can't. So instead my brain settles someplace between completely frustrated...and purging. I throw away things we don't use, I suppose, because my mind things it will make room for a baby. But, there isn't room for a baby... not yet... so I'm just frustrated... all the time.

The second trimester is supposed to be filled with energy and happiness...mine is diverted... to frustration and waiting. I suppose ironically, once the waiting is over so too will be the part of my pregnancy they call the most energetic.

While my living room and laundry room and bathroom have benefited greatly from this waiting and purging period... it is making me slightly bitter to wait.

I have no patience.

The end.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I spent a lot of time folding and refolding baby clothes during that time. And ironing burp rags and blankets and sheets. Over and over again. It was my therapy. I also did needlepoint while repeating the mantra, "This is for the baby's room. I'm doing something to prepare for the baby." Good luck with the frustration. Eventually everything will all fall into place, but for now, I totally understand why you are bitter.