Monday, June 04, 2007

Growing Up

This morning I sat down to write a post about feeling all grown up. But, before I did I hopped from blog to blog reading my usual blog rolls and catching up on my favorite stories. While I was at it I clicked over to the hubby's blog on his myspace to see if anything exciting was going on there. That's when I found it.

Yesterday, or perhaps it was the day before, Jon and I were having this strange conversation about how having kids doesn't make you feel grown up necessarily so much as it makes you feel like you are a grown up. What makes you feel like an adult is that transformation from wanting things to actually being able to plan and execute a way to get them.

There is a certain unreal calm that sits in the first day you sit on your first piece of brand new furniture talking to your husband about the utilities being paid in full and planning what to buy next for the baby and knowing that you are growing up. It's the first time I've ever felt like "damn I'm an adult" to the point that I had to mention it to someone else.

There is a lot of growing up in getting married, paying bills and planning your career... but it is nothing compared to knowing that the plan is working, the bills are paid and your marraige has found another sweet spot where no one is frustrated and nothing important is found wanting.

Personally I think he said it better than I did. But the fact that we both keep saying it feels really good.


Courtney said...

I'm still waiting to grow up. Maybe I'll get on that...some day...

Anonymous said...

I don't know quite when it happened, but maybe I'm a grown-up too. I shudder at the thought.

Eden said...

I hate to think I am a grown MOM is a grown up...not me...