Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Day 8- My Hero Didn't Have Tights

Today Miss Courtney rescued me from a boxless plight of packing things inside other things by hand delivering me 13 rubbermaid tubs with lids. When I told her she was my hero she asked if she should wear her cape. I said only if she had tights because a cape with out tights is just foolishness. She forgot to throw her tights in her car this morning so I had to settle for a capeless avenger.

This morning my daughter woke up for the 3rd day with a mild fever from cutting teeth. She insisted on laying most of the night with her hot skin against my cold stomach. She did this by violently pushing my shirt up to my nipples and slamming her head into my squishy post c section tummy at 4 am in a pitch black room. It was a lovely parenting moment.

She took a lot of naps today, got a slightly chilled bath and got to drink more juice than normal with a little extra tylenol and orajel thrown in for good measure. By the time Jon got home I was exhausted. So I enjoyed my visit with the tightless wonder and then helped Jon with his resume so he could apply for a job he wants. After that I spent me evening on the phone.

Tomorrow I have the great joy of calling places to arrange to have my utilities moved and my cable turned on at the new house. I love being on hold. I love being on hold. I love being on hold. Yep, my mom was right...saying something over and over doesn't make it true. Damn it.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Glad I could be of tightless assistance!