Sunday, August 10, 2008

Party Like a Phoenix

This is my Godchild. Isn't he cute. He had a birthday party on Saturday and we spent most of the day in the sun surrounded by little pirate decorations and small children. Oh lord let me tell you some of the small children were adorable but one of them I wanted to smother to death while his mother wasn't looking. I think that should be a seperate post though. So instead I will tell you that there was pool splashing enough to drench my jeans all the way through, that the cake cracked into multiple pieces and still tasted good (which his mommy actually started to find funny by the end of our phone call last night) and that he (like every toddler before him) got so distracted by this toy (the first one he opened) that he couldn't open any more. Good times.
more pictures of this event will be available on Layla's site for those with permission to view it

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