Sunday, August 24, 2008

Post Bash Update

We went to dinner and shared a few laugh filled stories, then to bowl in wacky looking shoes while mocking each other, and when we were done their could have been stories to tell... but I'm not telling them...

Morning found us tired and happy. I spent my morning going to breakfast with the baby and family and letting the soon to be birthday boy sleep in. Then I ran an errand and vegged out watching the Food Network. I had a surprise visit with a sister in law who was dropping something off and the kids played awhile. I made a brocolli salad and the baby covered the kitchen floor with toys from her cabinet.

My house is covered with a thin layer of curly straws, wooden blocks, dirty socks and used towels. My tummy is full. Through the baby monitor I can hear Canon in D from the nursery where someone tired finally lost the battle against having a second nap today.

The boys are off having therapy. Shooting things, talking crap, talking non-crap... And I'm off to my personal solice... the kitchen... to discover a new part of me something that involves chipolte peppers I think...

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