Monday, August 04, 2008

The Morning After

I've gotten a few calls and emails about the blog below. I think it's really important to blog about what you're feeling in the moment when you are feeling it. That's what makes me an honest blogger. I write what I need to write when I need to write it. After all, it is my it is all about me.

I love my mother in law very much but my feelings are hurt and I think she stepped out of her place a little by making assumptions. She has the right to be disappointed if I said something that offended her before, during or after that blog. She has the right to think that I could be different than I am. She just doesn't have the right to twist things to make her opinions feel valid.

That part... that's the part I'm not ok with. It's also why I'm glad she talked to Jon and not me. As stated before I'm sure I would have said things much worse than what this blog says in the heat of the moment. I am human. I feel things and then I am honest about them.

Here is what I do know... nobodies perfect and everybody makes mistakes. That's why I still love her...and it's probably why she'll still love me.

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