Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mt Erebus

There is a cross on Mt Erebus, it marks the site of a disaster and stands as a solemn reminder that there is always hope. The cross originally put there (shown here) eroded and was replaced with a metal one, a reminder that hope does not fade.
For me this picture has long been one that reminds me of the strength of God. God was on this mountain long before that disaster and the people there that day left this lonely cross to remind us that he will be there long after we've forgotten why it mattered.
I used to think having hope was a choice we made, as I grew up I changed my belief. Hope is not a choice we make. Hope is always there... our life is just about whether or not we choose to acknowledge it.
"So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth." ~Job 5:16~

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