Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm Done

So in the course of the last 72 hours my brother in law has gotten into an accident in my husbands car which is not covered by our insurance, my boss has actually yelled at me in front of others to the point that I cried at work and offered to quit my job if they thought I should, and I have been informed that I will need to take a stress test for the baby.

I am done.

It was one test too many.


Cheryl said...

It's times like that I wish I could have a really rotten vice, like alcoholism, heroin or smoking. Some kind of crutch besides my own willpower to get me through.

We're here for you, honey.

Anonymous said...

James 1:1-3. It's joy, I tell you! Pure joy! I know that's little consolation right now, but it's true. Hang in there, sister. There's sure to be a mountain top right after this valley.